Welcome to our Department!
The staff of the department. Bottom row from left to right: Prof. Pyatnochka V.I., prof. Benedict V.V., Prof. I. Ya. Dzyubanvskyi, Prof. Goshchynsky V.B.
Top row from left to right: Assoc. Svistun R.V., senior laboratory assistant Mykolych O.O., graduate student Varvaruk M.R., graduate student Onyskiv M.O. , Assoc. Prodan A.M., assistant. Palamar S.A., Assoc. Yu.M. Gerasimets (2024)
Department Staff: 4 Professors,5 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor, 9 PhD students
Subjects and Courses of Study:
Way of Learning:
The students of the following academic units study at the department:
Academic and Research Institute of Postgraduate Education.
Residents of the specialization course "Surgery" for 5 and 9 months
The doctors study in the following specialties: